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Hot Home Trend: Western Gothic

Hot Home Trend: Western Gothic

The Wild West aesthetic adopts moody accents in this emerging design palette. In the dynamic real estate market of Miami, staying up-to-date with design trends can provide a significant competitive edge for agents. Pinterest has identified “Western Gothic” as a top interior design trend for 2024. This trend merges elements of “Western” and “Gothic” styles […]

Will mortgage rates go down in 2024?

¿Bajarán las tasas de interés hipotecario en 2024?

Good news for borrowers: The wait for lower rates may soon be over. Mortgage rates have dropped quite a bit from where they peaked in October, and they could finally drop below 6% by the end of 2024. The latest economic data show that inflation is slowing and the economy is cooling. The Federal Reserve seems pleased with these […]

Real Estate Trends: What’s in Store for 2024?

Tendencias Inmobiliarias: ¿Qué nos espera en 2024?

By Kim Hays Florida Realtors chief economist: Watch for the market to reignite over the next several months. “We have weathered the worst of it.” ORLANDO, Fla. – Watch for the Florida real estate market to slowly start growing in 2024 as interest rates flatten and consumers begin realizing what they’re seeing is the new […]

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